Committees and Committee Chairs play an important role in PTAs.  Since PTA is a volunteer-based organization, we can’t fully provide programs without the help and support of our generous volunteers.  While some of these positions are year-long commitments, there are also short-term committees and events in need of general volunteers and/or chairperson(s).  

*The following information is subject to change to follow current school guidelines and restrictions*

- Apparel: This is an ongoing committee. The Apparel Chair is responsible for organizing and submitting order forms, placing orders with our supplier, distribution of apparel, and more.

- Book Fair: *Dani Green- Our Scholastic Book Fair is an event that may be held during Fall, Spring, or both. Along with a current board member, you would serve as a co-chair. While Book Fair is normally a week-long event, the planning begins much earlier. The chairs for this event are responsible for working directly with Scholastic to prepare, organize, set up, maintain and close-out the event.

- Box Tops: Ashley Moore -This is an ongoing committee. Box Tops raise money for our school. The chair for this will be responsible for creating and managing contests for Box Tops collection, actual collection of the Box Tops, counting and submitting Box Tops within deadlines.

- Communications: The purpose of the Communications Chair is to connect our families with the school and community, encourage parent participation, promote joining PTA and market CCPTA’s value and accomplishments. Responsibilities include communication with members by maintaining up to date social media accounts and preparation and distribution of a monthly newsletter.

- Founders Day: As the event chair for this, you will put out nomination forms for Outstanding Advocate, Outstanding Teacher and Golden Acorn awards. You will also head the committee to select winners andput together 2 baskets for the auction that is held at the banquet.

- Fundraising: This is a very important role and is vital for CCPTA to fund programs for our school and students. Fundraising occurs all year long. As Fundraising Chair, you are responsible for helping PTA raise monies needed to meet proposed budgets. You will help create and manage fundraising campaigns throughout the school year, as well as organizing volunteers for these events. Fundraising may have more than one (1) chair.

-Hospitaility: Hospitality Chair is a year-long position. As the chair, you will be organizing volunteers for
events, whether virtual or physical. This Chair acts as an official host of CCPTA, creating a welcoming atmosphere at meetings and events (as the current school year allows). Hospitality Chair is also responsible for securing donations from organizations for the PTA and maintaining/submitting accurate records.

- Legislative (Advocacy): PTA Legislative Chairs are responsible for demonstrating leadership on children’s issues at the local level. Chairs educate PTA members, the community and elected officials about PTA concerns and legislative goals and priorities. You will also provide our members with information about PTA positions on current legislation issues.

- Members-at-Large (2): A Member-at-Large serves as a liaison to the general PTA membership.

- Membership/memberplanet:  - Membership is an integral part of a functioning PTA. As chairperson, you will plan three (3) membership campaigns throughout the school year. You will be responsible for implementing the membership plan using memberplanet, promotion of memberplanet and providing membership reports at board meetings. Membership Chair will attend PTA training designed for membership chairs and memberplanet. You will also work with the Membership Committee to develop a membership theme and create a calendar of membership events.


- Popcorn Fri-yays: Katie and Clair- First Friday of the month.  Popcorns given to child at school. 

- Reflections: The National PTA Reflections Program is an arts recognition and achievement program for students. As Reflections Chair, it is your responsibility to follow the planning calendar, adhering to council and district PTA due dates and identify key steps to meet these due dates. You will explain Reflections to the school and community; encourage support and participation; share information at PTA meetings; share examples of the previous year’s entries; provide entry forms and rules when needed. This chair shall attend district and state awards ceremonies, if necessary.

- Volunteer Coordinator: As the chair of Volunteering, you will work closely with the PTA and school staff to coordinate volunteers as needed for any variety of events to support the success of our students. Volunteer Chair oversees volunteer recruitment, training (if necessary) and scheduling. You may work with the Membership Committee to promote PTA goals and membership. 

  • Volunteers: As a general volunteer, you may be called upon to assist with a variety of programs, events
    and activities organized by the PTA, committees, school or teachers to support student success. Time and commitment involved depends solely on a volunteer’s availability and desire to help. These assignments may range from “one time only” assignments to daily, weekly, or monthly needs to meet goals and priorities of CCPTA and Clear Creek Elementary School.

- Yearbook (TreeRing): This is an ongoing commitment which has been taken over by the Office and ASB!  The Yearbook Chair is responsible for working closely with the board and school, along with TreeRing (the company we used last year). You will collect and provide photos to create the yearbook using software provided by TreeRing, as well as provide information for ordering yearbooks. Yearbook Chair may also select volunteers/members for the Yearbook Committee.

While board members may chair some events, they are also busy fulfilling their officer role, so volunteering as co-chair is also a welcome option. Regardless of a board member’s position, we will be available to answer questions, share ideas and even volunteer on these committees and at events. Here at Clear Creek, the PTA is doing everything we can for the school. It really does “take a village” to provide programs and events.